What is tertiary education?
Tertiary education is generally regarded as any form of further education beyond high school. It includes university, TAFE andprivate providers.
Do I need a tertiary education?
To answer this question you need to look at the kind of job you wish to do. Some jobs require that you must have a tertiary education eg, teacher, doctor, accountant, electrician, etc. Other jobs are easier to get if you have a tertiary qualification eg, laboratory assistant, advertising assistant, etc.
How do I choose?
Look closely at all your interests and abilities. You may have many. Think broadly and don't limit yourself to just one course or career. Look at several. Consider all the tertiary options available to and suitable for you. Get as much information as you can about all those options and tertiary study generally. Make realistic choices based on that information and sound advice from people who know what tertiary study is all about. The course qualification has the same value at different institutions, but the institutions are very different in style. When choosing where to go, be careful to consider all of these things. The whole range of institutions offering courses of study in areas that interest you eg University, TAFE, and Private Providers. Entry requirements at these places. City vs Country - Large vs Small - Old vs New. Student Fees, HECS, Administration charges, and other costs eg textbooks, special equipment. Program flexibility - do the courses offer a wide range of subject choice or are they fairly restrictive? Accommodation availability and cost. Student support services and facilities - counselling and career guidance. Transport to and from - how much time/money will it cost. Costs? Dates of interest - enrolment and open days etc. Qualifications offered.