Guyra Central School

Quality learning opportunities in a caring community

Telephone02 6779 0844

PBL at Guyra Central School

What does PBL look like at GCS?

Snowfall at Guyra Central School. Our symbol for positive behaviour for learning is the snowflake.

Snow Bursts have become a highly valued reward by all students and an ongoing reminder of building positive behaviours across the whole school are awarded to students who exemplify the PBL code of conduct on a consistent basis in the classroom, corridors, canteen, quads and other areas of the school. Snow Bursts are awarded to encourage and reinforce positive behaviours among our students. Teachers can award Snow Bursts to students, whether they teach them or not.

Teachers complete Snow Bursts and give to students. Each week completed Snow Bursts will be gathered and entered on RISC by office staff. A drawing will be weekly for primary and every three weeks for secondary during assemblies. A prize is awarded to the students and the teacher's named on the winning forms. Students are responsible for placing their copy of the Snow Bursts in the appropriate box in the secondary and primary offices.

Teachers should strive to distribute at least 10 Snow Bursts each week. The PBL committee will provide suggested areas of focus throughout the year.

Guess Who? Is awarded each week to a student in Primary school, staff nominate a student that have demonstrated the values of Pride, Respect, Responsibility. The nominated student is presented with a certificate at the PBL assembly that is held every Tuesday morning and a photograph of the selected student is loaded to our PBL Heroes gallery and notice board near main office.

Mid and end of Term rewards sessions students are rewarded for their good behaviour with mid and End of Term rewards sessions. These sessions include various activities including, discos, science sessions, movie and popcorn afternoons, boxing sessions, participation in the Back Track program, boxing with local trainer, barefoot bowls, participating in the Guyra community fitness circuit and even attending activities at Sports UNE.

Snowball annually Guyra Central School holds a Snowball, this is a creative arts, talent quest which is a celebration for all students as part of our PBL program, focusing on our core school values Pride, Respect and Responsibility. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 take part in this event performing various acts including dancing, magicians, comedians and musicians who keep the audience moving and shaking. All community members are welcome to celebrate our Snow Ball and see the talent that our school has to offer. Teachers and fellow staff members also have been known to perform at this event.